Counter Adda Cold

Dimensions 746x717x845 mm
Shelfs: 640×388 mm and 640×458 mm
Power 340 W
Temp. range +2 / +6 °C
Weight 84 kg


  • Self-service version
  • Serve over version
  • To be used as a top counter or a built-in counter
  • Mirror door at service side for more attractiveness of displayed food
  • Stainless steel construction
  • Temperature range +2/+6 °C (by ambient condition of +25°C and 60% RH)
  • Air ventilated with electronic controller
  • Automatic defrosting and evaporation

The counters are suitable especially for sale of cold food such as baguettes, sandwiches, drinks, pastries, etc. They are ideal for fuel stations, fast-food outlets, supermarket’s „fresh corners“. The display has only small request for footprint but provides a big sales capacity thanks to 3 sales levels (2 adjustable shelves).